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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Perth

The CYS yoga instructor training course in Perth, Scotland, is the perfect way to start your yoga teaching journey

12 Month Yoga Teacher Training Course
Fully Accredited by the Yoga Alliance®
Expert Teaching

Our 12 month Yoga Teacher Training Course in Perth is delivered by our team of passionate and experienced Tutors within our Yoga Alliance Registered School (RYS200).

Our Yoga Alliance accredited 200-hour teacher training program is a comprehensive course designed to equip aspiring instructors with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to lead classes effectively. Held at our Perth Yoga Studio, our 12-month course is delivered by an outstanding team of experienced yoga tutors and is an RYS200. Gain a certification that's recognised worldwide and start your yoga journey with us at Classical Yoga School.

Informal Information Sessions:

Perth Yoga Studio

Saturday, 8 March, 12.30 – 1.30pm and

Saturday, 12 April, 12.30 – 1.30pm

Email or phone June to book in – and 07734 695 273

About CYS Classical Yoga School

CYS is a Yoga Alliance® accredited Registered Yoga School (RYS® 200) allowing graduate teachers to teach worldwide with their Certificate CYS/Yoga Alliance.

CYS Yoga Teacher Training is synonymous with high standards and is known as a centre for excellence in yoga teaching.

Students coming out of the school with a CYS Yoga Alliance® Certificate will be seen to represent the above standards and should expect to finish their training confident, happy and ready to pass on their understanding and experience of yoga to their students.

Yoga is a lifetime’s study and this course is a sound, year-long foundation to deepen your practice and launch your career, while acquiring the wisdom to recognise new openings and pathways for learning as they occur over the years – which they will.

“A wonderful, life changing 12 months. The course has given me a strong, confident foundation from which to teach yoga. Truly inspirational teachers, especially June and Judi.”

Linda, Glasgow


Learn to Teach

"Each year I am encouraged and hugely inspired by the essays/written assignments that our excellent students submit during their year’s course. The world needs more really good yoga teachers as we can help such a lot in our communities’ promoting the science of good health and wellbeing through yoga practice."

June Mitchell, Principal, CYS Teacher Training

The following words may seem unrealistic but I think you will find that yoga practitioners and teachers of many years experience will say that ultimately they are true. Yoga is a life skill that, with regular practice, brings a life-long healthy mind/body balance.

The practice of Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation is learning to control the body and the senses so the inner light may come forth. This is the natural outcome of a good practice - that we will gradually learn to control the mind and eventually come to experience the very support of it.


The yogic idea of happiness is different from what is usually thought. It’s not a passing reaction to something positive, it’s more like a state where you are in touch with your place of stillness and balance.  It can give us inner resources to deal with life’s ups and downs and help us to retain a state of clarity, focus and contentment.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Perth

Course Content

  • Philosophical and Spiritual Study of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

  • Asanas- For personal practice we are working with the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series in addition to studying Sivananda, Iyengar and Vinyasa Flow styles

  • Pranayama- the science behind the breath

  • Nadis, Chakras, Bandhas and Kriyas

  • Relaxation and Meditation techniques

  • The use of Music, Mantras and Chanting

  • Anatomy and Physiology- covering all the body systems and understanding how yoga acts on them with additional specialist tuition in Yoganatomy.

  • Guidance for Self-Practice and Personal Development

  • Yoga for special circumstances, i.e: back pain, pregnancy, children, seniors, restorative, etc.

  • Tutorials in Chi Gung, Tai Chi, NLP, Alexander Technique, Nutrition and Myers-Briggs personality profiling

  • Setting up your classes marketing, Accounting, etc.

The Format

The mornings are for the development of personal Ashtanga Vinyasa practice followed by practical yoga teaching tutorials / methodology and meditation with the remaining time taken up with lectures and practicals.

In addition to weekend tutorials, there is a minimum requirement of one and a half hours of weekly classes (based on 45 weeks per year) from a suitable local teacher. Home practice and study may take up another 2 – 4 hours per week, with assignments to complete for each module. Assessments will be ongoing and together with submitted written module papers, will lead to overall evaluation for certification.

Small groups ensure good input and guidance for each trainee teacher, and will lead to an International Certification CYS Yoga Alliance, enabling graduates to teach worldwide. Full insurance cover will be available to all qualified CYS teachers and the Teachers Register on the website is available to all authorities and parties interested in acquiring the services of fully qualified yoga teachers. Guidance for the setting of professional fees together with the practical aspects of running classes is also given.

Continuing Professional Development – Re-registration for CYS teachers is linked to 12 hrs CPD yearly and workshops from International Yoga teachers are in the CYS post graduate programme.

Established in 2003, CYS has become renowned as a Centre of Excellence in the UK for Yoga Instructor Training

Our Story

CYS has been running yoga teacher training courses in Scotland since 2003.  June Mitchell has taught yoga in Perth since the 1980s, having set up Perth Yoga Studio with her husband James in 1981, then the Riverside Centre in the 1990s and in 2014 moved into beautiful premises in the Old Perth Academy in Rose Terrace facing the park and river and established Perth Yoga Studio.

The Classical Yoga School has many wonderful yoga teachers throughout Scotland running their own yoga studios, classes and retreats.  We have CYS yoga teachers in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth, the Highlands, Elgin, Thurso, Inverness, The Borders, all throughout the West Coast and down to Dumfries.

It has always been my aim to bring more really good yoga teachers out into our communities as there is so much good that yoga can do to keep people healthy, physically, mentally and emotionally plus spiritually aware.

“I spent a long time searching for the right yoga course and, after a year learning so much more than just the basics of teaching yoga, I am so happy that this is the course I chose. I would highly recommend it to anyone wishing to gain knowledge of the true meaning of yoga."



Course Dates


Visit Merchant City Yoga


Now taking applications, apply now

Course Dates for 2025-26

Friday evenings: 6.30 – 9.30pm (refreshments included)

Saturdays: 9.30am – 6pm (vegetarian lunch and refreshments included)

Plus 2 Sunday mornings, 9.30 – 1.30pm in February and June 2026


Module 1 - 5 and 6 September

Module 2 - 3 and 4 October

Module 3 - 31 October and 1 November

Module 4 - 28 and 29 November


Module 5 - 9 and 10  January

Module 6 - 6, 7 and 8 February

Module 7 - 6 and 7 March

Module 8 - 10 and 11 April

Module 9 - 8 and 9 May

Module 10 - 5, 6 and 7 June

(at the Birnam Arts Centre, Birnam by Dunkeld)

Module 11 - 3 and 4 July

Module 12 - 31 July and 1 August

Plus 12 hours with James Boag early 2025 on Zoom and private YouTube videos

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Perth

Course Fees


Classical Yoga School fees are made up of a deposit of £450 on registration, followed by 10 monthly instalments of £254 beginning in September, with Modules 11 and 12 already having been paid by the deposit.

There are a number of £300 ‘early bird’ deposits available from January 2025.

Old Academy buildings, Rose Terrace, Perth, UK
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the duration of the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth?

Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course in Perth lasts for 12 months.

Who delivers the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth?

Our Yoga Teacher Training course in Perth is delivered by our team of passionate and experienced tutors.

What certification will I receive after completing the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth?

Upon successful completion of our Yoga Teacher Training in Perth, you will receive a certification that holds worldwide recognition.

Is the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth recognised by Yoga Alliance?

Yes, our Yoga Teacher Training course in Perth is delivered within a Yoga Alliance Registered School (RYS200).

Can I teach yoga worldwide after completing the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth?

Yes, the certification you receive from our Yoga Teacher Training in Perth is recognised worldwide.

What opportunities will the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth open for me?

Our Yoga Teacher Training in Perth will equip you with the skills and certification to teach yoga anywhere in the world, opening up a multitude of opportunities.

What is the focus of the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth?

Our Yoga Teacher Training in Perth focuses on practice, learning, and fun, with the aim to shape great yoga teachers.

Where is the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth located?

Our Yoga Teacher Training in Perth is located at the Classical Yoga School.

How can I join the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth?

You can join our Yoga Teacher Training in Perth by applying through our website.

What is the cost of the Yoga Teacher Training in Perth?

For information on the cost of our Yoga Teacher Training in Perth, please visit our website or contact us directly.

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